Why attraction fades away?

We are all different. Some of the couples who have been together for years can have a strong attraction that they had when they first met. The rush of attraction is what makes the relationship blossom. The continuity of attraction is what makes the relation keep going. In some instances, this is not the case.Continue reading “Why attraction fades away?”

Using the power of positive thinking to transform your life

Positive thinking is an emotional and mental attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects a positive outcome. A person with a positive mindset believes that they can accomplish anything that they put their mind on. He or she can overcome any obstacle and difficulty. Positive thinking is not a concept thatContinue reading “Using the power of positive thinking to transform your life”

Unlocking new levels in your life

One thing that worked to get you to one level will not work to get you to the next level. Every phase in your life will require a different you. It is essential to acknowledge where you are in life right now. Some of the habits that you will need to acquire include waking upContinue reading “Unlocking new levels in your life”

Fun Date ideas (Valentine Ideas)

Its the month of love (February). One of my plans this month is to create a blog post that is dedicated to date ideas. Fun date ideas Go for a picnic with your better half. Bike riding and hiking are some of the fun activities that one can do in the afternoon. Take a classContinue reading “Fun Date ideas (Valentine Ideas)”

Not good enough/ story time

Has someone ever told you you are not good enough? Well i have been a victim too. I have given my best in a lot of things only for the person to tell me i was not good enough. Let me share my story and my journey to overcoming this. I finished my degree lastContinue reading “Not good enough/ story time”

Relationship expectations verses reality.

When someone is in a relationship the expectations are too high. I listen to my friends expectations and am like really do such men exist. The picture or dreams one has on his or her mind about their future partners can be so funny. Until one is in an actually relationship the expectations verses realityContinue reading “Relationship expectations verses reality.”

Most embarrassing high-school experience. Story Time

Today am going to be doing something different. Its story time. If you have not followed my blog please do so. If you like this blog comment down below and i might consider weekly story times. When i was in high school we used to wake up so early. By 3:50 am i was alwaysContinue reading “Most embarrassing high-school experience. Story Time”


A soul mate or a better half is a person who you can easily connect with emotionally and he/she should be your BEST FRIEND. Someone that truly understands you. Accepts your flaws and sees you as a blessing. Your better half should be willing to stay with you through those sad and happy days. AsContinue reading “PREPARING TO MEET YOUR BETTER HALF”

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