4 Ways to relax when you feel overwhelmed

It is essential to balance both work life and home life. Overwhelmed with family responsibilities, work and health issues are culprits that can lead to anxiety and stress which manifests differently in each and every one of us. Some of us are becoming better at identifying what can trigger us to feel these. It isContinue reading “4 Ways to relax when you feel overwhelmed”

How to enjoy your own company.

Some people do not like to be alone while others are contented with spending time in their own company. There is no right or wrong. However, you may find that people who enjoy their own company are more confident and satisfied with life. Even though things don’t go as planned and people leave, you willContinue reading “How to enjoy your own company.”

Improving my relationship with God.

Hello, I hope everyone is fine. Balancing between school and work can sometimes be challenging. I spend a lot of time working and once the day is over all I want to do is eat, take a shower and sleep. This year one of my main goals has been to create time to read theContinue reading “Improving my relationship with God.”

What are your insecurities about your body?

Hey, Welcome to today’s blog. Thank you for 17 Subscribers this really means so much to me and I am grateful. Today I want to talk about insecurities. Those body parts people make negative comments about or those body parts that you look in the mirror and say I wish I was a lit bitContinue reading “What are your insecurities about your body?”

Dealing with a breakup

I have had people ask me this question a lot. My boyfriend just broke up with me? I have known him for the past three years. Will i be able to move on? I don’t know how to cope with this. Well i am here to give you some tips on how to deal withContinue reading “Dealing with a breakup”


A soul mate or a better half is a person who you can easily connect with emotionally and he/she should be your BEST FRIEND. Someone that truly understands you. Accepts your flaws and sees you as a blessing. Your better half should be willing to stay with you through those sad and happy days. AsContinue reading “PREPARING TO MEET YOUR BETTER HALF”

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