Slave of overthinking

I have been a slave of overthinking. I can not stop thinking about how life would have been better if I did things differently. I get so lost in my thoughts. Some of the thoughts are positive, and others are negative. It’s like I am having a conversation with myself: the what-if and maybe thoughts.Continue reading “Slave of overthinking”

Signs That Your Partner Is Living with Depression

Introduction Depression is not good and it is not to be glorified neither is it beautiful. The feeling of depression makes you long for an ordinary day where task like preparing morning coffee was not extraordinary to you. When you find yourself longing for ordinary days then this means that something is off balance inContinue reading “Signs That Your Partner Is Living with Depression”

Am i depressed?

Life can be hectic at time. Some times life expectations cannot rhyme with the reality of life this may leave you sad and depressed. I believe in your 20’s, their is so much expected from you by the society and the pressure may at time get to you. Pressure can be about being financially stable,Continue reading “Am i depressed?”

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